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November 27, 2020

30-Day No Social Media/TV Challenge - Day 7


This will be short. I broke the challenge yesterday because it was a holiday and I was in a lot of pain, and could barely cook my dinner. I decided to just let go and enjoy myself for the day, so I watched TV and went on social media, and I'm not going to feel bad about it.

I had so much planned for this period with no social media or TV, but injuring myself has put me into a very bad place. Most of what I had planned concerned working in the garden and starting to reconfigure my apartment, which involves lots of lifting and dragging and digging and toting.and bending over -- all things I just can't do without pain right now.

 I have a friend who wants to help, but he wants to do things his way, and doesn't listen well, so I have to repeat things to him 10 times or stop him from doing it his way when I just told him how I wanted it done. I'm just a mental, emotional, and physical wreck right now, and working with him is like trying to get a small child to clean his room -- you usually end up doing most of it yourself.

So I've been doing a lot of resting and doing little chores that I can do before they turn into big chores I can't so until my strained muscle heals. Today, I had to water the gardens, which was like torture, but I couldn't just sit and let everything die. I probably won't get much done for the next few days, until this muscle heals a bit, but I'm playing the turtle these days, not the hare. Somehow I know it will all be fine in the end, even if the end takes much longer to get here.

I had a nice video call with my sons yesterday. I just love them so much. I don't think they know how seeing them and hearing their voices lifts my spirit and strengthens my resolve to stay alive so I can spend more time with them.

I'm going to get back to my doing of tiny things now, so I can justify my much needed long breaks inbetween. Have a lovely day, and keep a positive outlook. There will be a vaccine soon, and maybe by summer, things will be rushing quickly back to normal.


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