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June 13, 2021

The Saga of Angel the Cat: Obnoxious Cats and How to Live With Them

As some of you may know, I have a 10-month old kitten named Angel. I've had her for about 3 months now, and she's a challenge to say the least. She was a stray, so she had developed some bad habits that I'm finding a little hard to break. Still, she's young, so even though I want to give up on her sometimes, I won't because when she wants to be, she's a very loving, sweet cat. These are her stories.

Had to rescue a baby snake from Angel this morning. I think it was a baby pine woods snake, or a red rat snake. I was assured we don't have copperheads in this area, so WHEW!

Anyway, Angel is being a bit better, but she has her days when I can just not stop her from being destructive. Catnip seems to calm her, and is much cheaper than the Rescue Remedy. She's mad at me right now because I locked her out of the BR all night. I've never had to do that before, but last night, she just would not calm down. So she threw litter all over the floor and didn't even cover her poo. She knows I hate that. I can't seem to find the right amount of litter for her box. If it's too shallow, she won't cover things. If it's too deep, she tosses it out on the floor. First world problem.

She's permanently banned from the bathroom due to using the bathtub as a litter box in acts of revenge and spitefulness. Last time, I stuck her nose in it, which stopped her for awhile, but then she did it again, so the door stays closed.

She knows the eating schedule well now, and will just come ask politely in her purry little talking voice for food if she has none, or if it's close to time for her wet food at night. If I tell her it's too early, she will wait longer, but she's back within 30 minutes of that time, so I usually just give in then and feed her. I need to teach her to read a clock, and I have no doubt she could learn it!

She has been giving me a hard time getting her inside after her early evening outside time. She hisses, and will tear around the yard, while I chase around behind her with the water squirter. I had to use a towel to catch her one night when I couldn't find her until after dark. She hated that, so now she will finally run into the house in response to the sprayer, but then she sits on her window seat and hisses at me, or bites at my ankles.

Her worst trick is when she comes into the bedroom when I'm settled in to watch some tv at night and begs to play, then refuses to play. She gets locked out for that too. 
She and Boo still do not get along, and Boo is now afraid to come into our yard, because Angel attacks her. Maybe one day they'll be friends, but I somehow doubt it. Angel is like "This is MY person, and MY yard and YOU need to STAY OUT!" Boo is old, around 8 years now, and she doesn't want to fight with Angel anymore. I miss her. She's such a sweet cat. 

I've considered rehoming Angel many times, but she is so sweet and loving sometimes, I just can't. I know she'd do better in a bigger house with more room to run around, and maybe one day I'll have a bigger place, but for now, she's stuck in this tiny place, so  I have to let her outside. She doesn't go far, just right around our little "yard." She doesn't go under the fence anymore, but she will go and walk on top of it. I think she does that to terrorize Boo kitty. 

I have to go let her back in now. It's lunch time, and she knows it, so she's crying at the door.

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